Yours is an odd post - I understand that you are troubled by your mothers apparent hypocrisy, but no where do you mention that this man is a Jehovah's Witness. Do you think that the irrational beliefs of some Jehovah's Witnesses should be brought to bear upon their non JW friends? I have seen a number of situations where JWs tried to refuse blood for their non-JW family members but what you suggest is very peculiar.
Why would you think that your mother is reponsible for the doctors giving this non JW man a transfusion of blood or platelets? Your mother seems to have passed on these strange views since she told you that your husband has first say regarding whether or not you would have a blood transfusion = utterly bizzare thinking. The whole point that we have worked to stress is informed, autonomous decision making in health care matters.
Not to put to fine a point on it, you and your mother need to stay out of this man's choices regarding health care unless he is a Jehovah's Witness and has signed an advance directive regarding the refusal of blood products that names one of you to act in his behalf. By the same token, it is no ones business but yours as to whether or not you want to receive blood products. If you have JW family members who will not respect your wishes, you need to do the following:
1. Have a discussion regarding your views with your personal physician and place a letter in your medical file.
2. Appoint some non-JW family member or friend with a health care power of attorney/advance directive/health care proxy that expresses your wishes.
3. For added insurance, place some written directives in your purse or wallet that will alert medical personnel to the fact that you have JW relatives who may be anxious to impose their irrational views of blood upon you in an emergency if you are unconscious and direct them to the individual you've named in #2.
Make peace with your mother and shed the JW baggage.
Best regards,